Free Speech on the Law School Campus: Is It the Hammer Or the Wrecking Ball That Speaks?


  • Christopher J. Roederer University of Dayton School of Law


The paper addresses a number of questions related to free speech on university and law school campuses. The article begins by assessing Alexander Tsesis’s article, Campus Speech and Harassment, and his treatment of how traditional doctrine related to protected and unprotected categories of speech informs campus free speech codes. Next, the paper addresses a number of legitimate limits on free speech that are particularly salient in the campus context. After analyzing the relevant literature, the author turns to law school culture, and argues it is different from the current political culture and the culture on campuses in general.



How to Cite

Roederer, C. J. (2020). Free Speech on the Law School Campus: Is It the Hammer Or the Wrecking Ball That Speaks?. In Medias Res, 9(1), 15–83. Retrieved from


