Political parody in Hungarian Copyright Law


  • Dávid Ujhelyi Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Department of Private Law


political parody, copyright law, CDSM


With the entry into force of Act XXXVII of 2021, the Hungarian Copyright Act underwent a major amendment that added, among other things – e.g. regulation of out-of-commerce works, cross-border digital education, a new neighbouring right –, a free use case that excluded parody uses from the rightholder’s exclusive rights in connection with the regulation of the new aspect of the right of communication to the public related to digital platforms. The goal of this study is to identify and address the copyright law related issues of political parody, based on documented practice of the CJEU, litigations abroad and in Hungary as well, and to seek answers to these question in the light of the new free use case.



How to Cite

Ujhelyi, D. (2022). Political parody in Hungarian Copyright Law. In Medias Res, 11(1), 49–65. Retrieved from https://inmediasresfolyoirat.hu/imr/article/view/240


