Civil law analysis of virtual reality pseudorealia




metaverse, NFT, token, blockchain, MICA, res incorporales, DRM


In this study, after defining tokens (including nonfungible tokens) and clarifying related concepts, I aimed to examine the civil law nature of the formers. I was looking for the answer to the question whether the legal definitions of real property law can be applied to these virtual goods. In this context, I examined the concept of physical objects and all the legal categories to which the rules relating to things shall also be applied. During the examination, the study also covers the rules of the ABGB, BGB and ZGB. Then I examine the possible future directions of legal regulation, and finally I touch upon the effect that tokens can have on the property law rules concerning the transfer of corporeal things.


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How to Cite

Kőhidi, Ákos. (2022). Civil law analysis of virtual reality pseudorealia. In Medias Res, 11(2), 55–66.


