Cultural rights in the communication sphere


  • Zsolt Cseporán Budapest Metropolitan University


social credibility system, China, data protection, social control, point system


Perhaps, the most generic characteristic of culture is communication: without it no culture could have ever taken shape, survived, spread over – moreover it could have not even changed. Besides the society theory connection, the common feature of cultural rights is that their fundamental rights protection is not only a peculiar form of self-expression – such as for example artistic creation or scientific research – but it extends to certain parts of the public, which serves as protection in the communication sphere: It makes the individual’s well-founded participation in the societal process possible. Within the framework of the study, I undertake to analyse the cultural aspects of the fundamental rights named cultural rights, – accordingly, the freedom of art and science and the academic freedom derived from the right to education – especially in light of the fact, that the objects and values protected by these rights, in order words culture plays a significant role in the lives of societies, thus in the public interactions.



How to Cite

Cseporán, Z. (2022). Cultural rights in the communication sphere. In Medias Res, 11(2), 129–140. Retrieved from