Civil and copyright law questions and specifications of film contracts in Hungary


  • Sándor Takó Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences



film copyright, film production, entertainment law, film contracts, film producer


The film is an intellectual and economic enterprise requiring several years of creative work, during which the motion picture as a work of art and as an entertainment product undergoes many legal changes. The film production requires many creators, contributors, technical equipment, sets, props, locations, vehicles and other relevant components. The creative process, which extends from film development to film distribution, raises many civil law issues, which the parties must necessarily clarify in contracts. The purpose of this study is to briefly present the specifics of film contracts, especially in the field of copyright.


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How to Cite

Takó, S. (2023). Civil and copyright law questions and specifications of film contracts in Hungary. In Medias Res, 12(1), 186–198.