The Liability of Content-Sharing Platform Providers and Other Intermediary Service Providers for Copyright Infringement in the Light of the Digital Services Act


  • Anikó Grad-Gyenge Budapest University of Technology and Economics



liability for copyright infringements, content-sharing platform providers, Digital Services Act, intermediary service providers, safe harbour-rules


The study examines the changing copyright liability regime for intermediary service providers. It analyses the rules introduced by the CDSM Directive for content sharing platform providers. It then situates these rules within the framework of the Digital Services Act and reviews the changes in the liability for copyright infringement for other intermediary service providers. It will analyse in detail the extent to which the DSA complements the new liability regime set out in the CDSM Directive.


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How to Cite

Grad-Gyenge, A. (2023). The Liability of Content-Sharing Platform Providers and Other Intermediary Service Providers for Copyright Infringement in the Light of the Digital Services Act. In Medias Res, 12(2), 25–44.




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