Basic institutions and the EU regulatory reform of the market regulation in the field of electronic communications



competition administration, electronic communications, market regulation, significant market power


The study systematizes and analyzes one of the most important institutions of electronic communications competition administration, “market regulation,” on the basis of public administration theory. In this context, it discusses the most important domestic elements of market regulation competence, as well as the regulatory reform of the European Union affecting this activity. The study presents the basic theoretical issues of telecommunication market regulation and market competition, the conceptual elements of ex ante asymmetric competition administration, including the connections between general competition administration and special, telecommunications competition administration. The study systematizes the Hungarian and EU telecommunication market regulation tools, types of procedures, the concept of significant market power in telecommunication management on a scientific basis, and discusses the relevant law enforcement practice in detail.



How to Cite

Lapsánszky, A. (2021). Basic institutions and the EU regulatory reform of the market regulation in the field of electronic communications. In Medias Res, 10(2), 235–250. Retrieved from


