Search engines and transparency requirements from consumer protection perspective


  • Klára Gellén University of Szeged


search engine, consumer protection, unfair commercial practices, neutrality, transparency


Search engine rankings are key elements of search engine activities, which have significant influence on consumer choices, therefore to protect the consumers, it is of utmost importance for them to be aware of the key factors that determine the ranking process. The Omnibus Directive 2019/2161 introduced new transparency requirements for search engines, incorporating them into Directives on UCP and Consumer Rights. The legislation imposes an information obligation on the main parameters of organic search listings, while a new blacklisting requirement has been introduced for paid ranking, positive discrimination. The study explores the consumer protection aspects of the transparency rules expected from search engines.



How to Cite

Gellén, K. (2022). Search engines and transparency requirements from consumer protection perspective. In Medias Res, 11(1), 109–121. Retrieved from