Is the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages still capable of performing its function in the digital era?

Interpretation and application of Article 11 of the Charter on media




minority languages, new media, digitalization, demographic characteristics


The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages was adopted at the end of the last century, just before the digital revolution. The international legal instrument for the protection of endangered languages merely contains undertakings for the signatory states relating to traditional media. In recent decades, however, new media has played an increasingly important role, and audiovisual works that can be distributed online offer a huge opportunity to cater to the media needs of regional or minority language users. In this study, I try to answer the question whether the Charter’s provisions focusing on traditional media are still capable of fulfilling their function of protecting endangered languages.


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How to Cite

Petra lea, L. (2024). Is the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages still capable of performing its function in the digital era? Interpretation and application of Article 11 of the Charter on media. In Medias Res, 13(2), 38–51.


