The Regulation of Internet Access Restrictions in India in the Light of Judicial Practice




internet access restrictions, India, Supreme Court, Telegraph Act, Digital India


While it is vital for the protection of fundamental rights that everyone has unrestricted access to an open, secure and reliable internet, India has had the most internet restrictions in the world for five consecutive years, and the number of known shutdowns and restrictions may not even reflect the real data. The study looks at the legal framework for internet restrictions in India through the country’s judicial practice and questions if the proposed „modern and future-ready legal framework”, the Digital India Act, will address the practice of restrictions that are not always justified, as the government appears set to continue its previous practice in 2024.


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How to Cite

Gergely, G. (2024). The Regulation of Internet Access Restrictions in India in the Light of Judicial Practice. In Medias Res, 13(1), 166–179.