Digital practices
A framework for media-related actions: praxis theory
praxis theory, social shaping of technology theory, technology acceptance modelAbstract
Technological innovations in network communication, mobile internet and touch screens, as well as internal content developments of the Internet at the beginning of the 21st century, made it possible for users to appear on online platforms not only as content consumers or producers, but also to perform actions in the online space in relation to digital media. The aim of the study is to present the new media theory related to the change, the so-called praxis theory. The text discusses the sources of praxis theory both within media studies and among related disciplines. In addition, the study proposes a kind of practice typology in relation to online platforms, referring to them as simple and complex practices. The text also provides examples to present these practices. It then touches on the question of what aspects in human communities’ members consider whether to apply a digital practice or not. And this question leads us to models of critical technology research and technology acceptance.
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